“Design Thinking Bootcamp” - Full Day

Otto Benavides
Otto E. Benavides was born in Bogotá, Colombia, he completed Law studies at Universidad Gran Colombia in 1974. He obtained a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration and Supervision at Northeast Louisiana University in 1975 and an Ed.S Degree in Educational Administration and Supervision with emphasis in Instructional (Media) Technology at Northeast Louisiana University in 1976. Otto is an Emeritus Associate Professor and Past Director of the Instructional Technology and Resource Center and the NASA Educator and Resource Center at the Kremen School of Education and Human Development at California State University, Fresno. (1990-2017) Previously, Professor Benavides worked at Memphis State University as Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the Media Center at the College of Education. (1984-1990) Before taking the job at Memphis State he was Assistant Director of the Media Center at Shelby State Community College in Memphis. (1977-1984) At Selby State he created numerous educational videos, taught video production, photography and curriculum for instruction and French classes. While working at the College of Education at MSU, he developed plans to build a technology structure for the College. However, when his supervisor left, he did not have support for his plan. His supervisor and Associate Dean became the Dean at the School of Education and Human Development at Fresno State. Dean Burch invited Otto to apply for a job as Assistant Professor. A search committee selected Otto. He became the lead person to design the technology for the School of Education building. This appointment gave Otto the opportunity to implement his technology design ideas in Fresno rather than Memphis. Upon completion, the School of Education building became a model of technological design for education. The new building completed in 1994 had a comprehensive data network, several “computer classrooms,” satellite communications, various computer servers, a TV studio and many of the modern technologies that later became common in education and business. Professor Benavides was appointed as Director of the Instructional Technology and Resource Center and the NASA Educator Resource Center. He insisted on making a major effort to provide inservice opportunities for the faculty to model student centered instruction. He provided technology support for faculty, staff and students. He contributed to research in the field, created and supported the creation of exceptional videos for instruction. As director and professor he taught a variety of courses integrating technology in instruction and led workshops for faculty, college students and children. He established and supported NASA workshops for teachers and children.
He was elected Senator to the California State University Academic Senate. He was a Senator representing his campus among the 23 California State University campuses for 12 years, He contributed to many projects as a member of special committees and task forces including the creation of the CalState online program.
Steve Jobs nominated Otto Benavides for the design and use of the Fresno State School of Education building to the Computer World Awards Program of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC where he was recognized as a Laureate in 2001. Otto is an Apple Distinguished Educator and an Adobe Education Leader.
In addition, Otto served in the Volunteers to America in East Harlem, New York. He also served as Special Assistant to the Secretary of State in Florida at the Florida-Colombia Alliance program and worked as a volunteer in many community action projects in Colombia.
AI Chatbot - Use and Design for Education- 2 hours

Linda Fang
Senior Lecturer at Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore. Her research interests are in the use of technology to enhance learning: e-learning, blended learning, simulation-based learning, learning in a virtual world, virtual reality, learning analytics, gamification for learning, and serious games for training.
Huiyu Zhang
A reflective practitioner with strong knowledge and skills in AI & Analytics, and a pedagogical leader who mentors and supports colleagues in enhancing teaching and learning experiences.
An experienced instructor who trained working professionals in the area of AI, DS and ML, in the form of short courses and full qualification specialist diploma programmes .
Unleashing the power of AI and Analytics for Education, I design and implement innovative pedagogical approaches such as gamifications and conversational bots in my own classes and propagate the best practices to the other classrooms. Being a principal investigator in research projects allows me to bring anecdotes into my Data Science classrooms and let students better appreciate the theoretical concepts, industry practices, tips, tricks and tweaks. Everyone can be a Citizen Data Scientist!
Ester Goh
I am working towards fulfilling my dream as a Data Scientist. Wanting to gain practitioner experiences, I am currently studying part-time for my degree in Computer Science at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, while working as a Data Developer at the School of Informatics and IT at Temasek Polytechnic. During my polytechnic student traineeship at Panasonic Singapore, I focused on the then lesser explored Deep Learning technology, and created a Speech Emotion Recognition Model using hybrid theories. Our team was awarded 1st runner-up in the Multimodal Emotion Recognition Challenge 2017 and 6th place in the Emotion Recognition in the Wild 2017 Grand Challenge for the innovation. The follow-up 2017 paper “Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition using Deep Transfer Learning and Multiple Temporal Models” has since garnered much interest from the research community. My passion in developing cutting-edge solutions to improve daily life is what fuels me to blaze through the many technical challenges, including those from chatbots for personalised learning.
Augmented Reality with Wikitude and Unity - 3 hours

Victor Álvarez
Is currently a lecturer in human-computer interaction, virtual and augmented reality at the University of Oviedo (Spain). Previously, he held senior research positions at K.U Leuven (Belgium) and Murdoch University (Australia), and worked in collaboration with leading universities and research networks in Europe and Oceania.
Víctor Álvarez (Ph.D.), University of Oviedo
Ph: +34657075557

Marilene S. S. Garcia
Graduated in Languages in German, Portuguese Linguistics at USP – University of São Paulo. She did her Bachelor’s degree in Pedagogy (UNINTER), Master’s degree at UNICAMP, Doctorate at USP and post-doctorate at PUC-SP-TIDD-Technologies of Digital Design Intelligence. She is currently doing another post-doctorate at the Universidade Aberta – Portugal – on social-emotional competences, management, methodologies and monitoring of learning. She is currently a pedagogical consultant for the Secretary of Education of the Municipality of São Paulo – Brazil. She is also the author of books in the area of education, articles and scientific chapters. Her most recent book is: Curadoria educacional- práticas pedagógicas.
Methodological analysis of analogue game design for educational experiences - 2 hours

Micael Sousa
Civil engineer, master in Energy and Environment. Graduated in History, master in Heritage Studies. PhD candidate in spatial planning. Member of CITTA and ISAGA. Instructor and guest teacher of game design and serious games in various higher education institutions and training entities. Collaborator for research/action projects like UrbSecurity, FlavourGame, and Gym2beKind, among others. Developer, reviewer, and content creator for modern board games.
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Jack Koumi
Jack Koumi has a degree in Mathematics, a degree in Psychology, and Graduate Certificates in Technology Based Distributive Learning and in Teaching English as a Foreign Language.
For 6 years he was a London University lecturer and teacher trainer.
For 23 years, until 1993, he worked at the BBC Open University Production Centre, producing audio, video and interactive multimedia in Mathematics, Science and Media Design. Also, over 10 years, he was the Senior Instructor in a three-month annual course for overseas producers of educational video.
Subsequently, as a freelance consultant, he has conducted over 60 workshops in 36 countries. He has also produced video/print and AV teacher training materials and trained producers of same in UK, Vietnam, China, Kenya and Nigeria.
He has published many papers and instructional texts, plus a book, Designing Video and Multimedia for Open and Flexible Learning, Routledge 2006, reprinted 2009.
Currently he is an Online Professor at University of the Philippines OU.
The State of Digitisation in the German Education Sector - An Overview - 60 minutes

Johannes Schmied
In an outlook, MedienLB’s participation in the BIRD project of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research will be presented, as well as the vision of a European education platform
Johannes Schmied – heads the editorial department of MedienLB, the German market leader for digital, audiovisual and interactive teaching media.