Proposals in the field of educational media, educational technology and technology enhanced learning, written in Portuguese or English, are invited for presentation during the ICEM 2022 Conference.
The ICEM 2022 Conference aims to be a place for sharing and discussing practices, projects and research on pedagogical innovation in the field of educational media, educational technology and technology enhanced learning, with the following objectives:
- Disseminate practices and innovation projects related to educational media, educational technology and technology enhanced learning;
- Contribute to the reflection on curricular flexibility, autonomy and pedagogical innovation in the field of educational media, educational technology and technology enhanced learning;
- Promote critical reflection about educational strategies oriented towards interdisciplinarity in the field of educational media, educational technology and technology enhanced learning;
- Understand the potential of digital tools and innovative educational environments for the development of educational media, educational technology and technology enhanced learning.
The meeting involves diversified dynamics, such as plenary sessions, practical sessions and symposiums of communications, foreseeing the existence of on site and distance moments.
It is aimed at masters and doctoral students, educators, teachers, trainers, researchers and other professionals interested in this theme.
The abstracts, validated by the Scientific Committee, will be presented in the form of a poster or an oral presentation on the submitted proposal.
All abstracts and full papers proposals must be submitted through the easychair platform:
- Submission deadline for extended abstracts, special sessions (symposium, roundtable…) and workshop proposals:
June 5, 2022| July 31, 2022 (500-800 words for all proposals*) - Submission deadline for full papers proposals:
September 11|until September 30, 2022 (extended deadline) (full papers with 12–15+ pages and short papers with 6-11 pages)*
- ORAL PRESENTATION (Power_point_horizontal)
- ZOOM Background ICEM2022
For the accepted abstracts, interested parties are invited to submit full papers until September 30, 2022, using the appropriate template:
This year ICEM has teamed up with education committee of the International Federation of Information Processing ( to publish the selected best papers in a post-conference volume of Springer IFIP-AICT series (Advances in Information and Communication Technologies). The series in indexed by Scopus and will be submitted for indexing also in the Web of Science Conference Proceedings Index.
The rest of the full and short papers that will be accepted for presentation in the conference (but don’t make it to top 40% to be invited to the Springer volume) will be published in the open-access volume of CEUR-WS conference proceedings: