Registration Fees *
Type of Registration (before October 9):
- Regular participant (130€)
- Special session participant (100€)
- ICEM member (100€)
- Virtual participant (100€)
- PhD/Master students (25€)**
- Accompanying person (25€)
Conference typical dinner: 25€
Social program (Saturday) – limited seats (full day): 25€
In case of withdrawal, the registration fee is not refunded.
Enter the REGISTRATION FORM to register for the ICEM Conference 2022 🙂
The registration fee should be paid by bank transfer to: Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Portugal.
IBAN: PT50078101120112001340683
Name: Instituto Politécnico de Santarém
Adress: Complexo Andaluz. Apartado 279
2001-904 Santarém
NIF: 501403906
* Registration Fee includes access to all sessions, lunch, Certificate of attendance and Book of Abstracts/Proceedings.
** lunch not included!
Please note that contributions will only be published in the Book of Abstracts/Proceedings if at least one of the authors of the paper/communication is registered before October 2, 2022 (In person or virtually).