13 October (morning) | 09:00 – 11:00
Parallel Session 1 – Room B0.03 | ||
Moderation: Susana Leal | ||
199 | Ana Lúcia Bento Miguens, Rui Jorge Bernardes dos Santos, Tiago Lopes Oliva and João Manuel Nunes Piedade | Meaningful learning in mathematics: a study on motivation for learning and development of computational thinking using educational robotics |
296 | Manuel Joaquim de Sousa Santos, Vânia Carlos and António A. Moreira | Towards interdisciplinarity with STEAM educational strategies: The Internet of Things as a catalyser to promote participatory citizenship |
345 | Mário Vairinhos, Rui Raposo and Filipe T. Moreira | Narrative and personalization in teaching it and electronics in children from 5 to 7 years old |
3948 | Inês Messias and Ana Loureiro | Digital Open Educational Resources – Teachers’ perceptions of the Pedagogical implications |
5870 | Susana Leal, Sandra Oliveira, Carla Vivas, João Nascimento, Cláudio Barradas and Ana Loureiro | Time to Act through Sustainable Experiences for Higher Education Students: A project to Promote Sustainability |
8399 | Fátima Pires and Cecília Guerra | “Chemistry to City” (CtoC): a learning approach that brought Chemistry to Oliveira do Bairro city |
Parallel Session 2 – Auditorium 2 – ONLINE | ||
Moderation: Nuno Oliveira | ||
6921 | Ricardo Carvalho, Maria Ferreira, Bárbara Cleto, Tiago Paralta, Vítor Silva, Vasco Silva, Carlos Santos, Nelson Zagalo, Mário Vairinhos and Fernando Ramos | Building/customization of educational scenarios for Immersive Web Environments |
2923 | Huiyu Zhang and Linda Fang | Successful Chatbot Design for Polytechnic Students in Singapore |
2957 | Takao Ichiko | Cooperative Aspects of Learning with an Assessment Concept Scheme through Intentional Communications Extended for Distance Learning |
4824 | Rui Raposo, Mário Vairinhos and Pedro Reisinho | Exploring the use of Augmented Reality for training computer workstation ergonomic issues. |
4854 | Muhammad Rizal Ismail, Nur Aisha Khalid, Linda William and Simon Chan | Game-based Assessment using Dynamic Database Pooling |
5032 | Rui Raposo and Mário Vairinhos | Building awareness towards issues related with Universal Design: The case of the MrUD project |
6228 | Silver Püvi, Birgy Lorenz and Sigrid Ester Tani | How Owl almost Ruined Hybrid Learning – Hybrid Classroom Technical Example From Vocational School |
6807 | Bulut Karadag, Zeynep Erbasi, Kazim Tamer Karagoz and Samet Ozmen | Digital Tools Learning Platform for Mentally Disabled |
7929 | Birgy Lorenz | Women in Tech – role models for girls. Estonian Case |
13 October (afternoon) | 16:00 – 18:00
Parallel Session 3 – Room B0.03 | ||
Moderation: Alexander Gardner-McTaggart | ||
1070 | Mart Laanpere and Maiki Hint | Building an OER Ecosystem in Estonia |
1769 | Rosinete de Jesus Silva Ferreira | Hybrid, virtual, or face-to-face? How to incorporate new teaching habits? |
2334 | Ana Raquel Simões, Susana Senos and Mariana Coronha | Digital Citizenship Education – Training opportunities for Foreign Language Teachers |
5075 | Micael Sousa | Informal Adult Learning and Training Sessions: Playing Modern Board Games in the Digital Age |
7227 | Alexander Gardner-McTaggart | Carpe diem! The post-covid moment for a sustainable and transformative world through flexible learning |
8902 | Annika Volt, Mart Laanpere and Jüri Kurvits | Supporting Flexible Learning Paths in Mathematics with Interactive Learning Resources |
9428 | Susana Senos, Nuno Dorotea and Neuza Pedro | Digital inclusion for parents: preliminary results of the digital academy project |
Parallel Session 4 – Room E0.10 SOME SESSIONS WILL RUN IN PORTUGUESE | ||
Moderation: João Torres | ||
1171 | João Pinto, Teresa Margarida Loureiro Cardoso and Filomena Pestana | Investigação Em Rede E Ciência Aberta: A Experiência WEIWER® |
2475 | Cátia Valéria | Programação nas aulas de Espanhol? Sim! |
5781 | David Rua | Pensamento Computacional e Aprendizagens Essenciais da matemática no 1.º ciclo do ensino básico – revisão sistemática de literatura |
6086 | Susana Senos, João Grácio, João Torres and Maria José Loureiro | The Project “Líderes Digitais” (Digital Leaders) and education for digital citizenship |
7284 | João Grácio, Nuno Dorotea and Maria Rosário Rodrigues | A community of practice of primary school teachers – 2nd year of implementation |
7681 | Cátia Valéria | Europeana na aula de Espanhol |
9193 | Paula Costa and Margarida Lucas | Inovação pedagógica com tecnologia digital: o que é e o que implica? Uma revisão integrativa de literatura |
9443 | João Torres, João Grácio, Maria do Rosário Rodrigues and Miguel Figueiredo | Reflexões sobre cursos de verão Scratch: perspetivas dos formadores |
14 October (morning) | 09:00 – 11:00
Parallel Session 5 – Room B0.03 | ||
Moderation: Daniela Pedrosa | ||
| Daniela Pedrosa | Co-regulated learning in initial teacher education: Strategies adopted by students during the development of ICT integration projects in Basic Education |
5358 | Csaba Komló | Learning Management Systems Prior to and After the Covid Pandemic |
5338 | Ana Marcela Montenegro-Sánchez and Roberto Rojas-Alfaro | Discussing a Concept for an Online Learning Platform with Rural Sixth-Grade Students in Mind: Evidence-Based Guidelines for Designers, Teachers, and Policy Change |
9269 | Maia Lust and Mart Laanpere | Redefining Creative Digital Project for 8th Grade in Estonian Schools |
9509 | Chih-Hsiung Tu, Patricia J. Peterson, Cherng-Jyh Yen, Hoda Harati, Catharyn Shelton and Laura Sujo-Montes | Using Data-Informed Learning Design to support Teacher to Understand Students’ Learning Sentiment via Journal Entries |
0000 | Mady Margaret | STEAM Education (preliminary title) |
0000 | Robert Doyle | Anatomy of Flipped Classrooms |
Parallel Session 6 – Room E0.10 | ||
Moderation: Fillipe T. Moreira | ||
3787 | Daniel Cláudio Mbandje, Maria João Loureiro and Margarida Lucas | Digital competence and information literacy: clarifying concepts based on a literature review |
6328 | Ricardo Cruz | An active language learning scenario in a multicultural and multilingual environment with the support of educational technology |
7334 | Paula Carolei and Lina Morgado | From planning to project: contribution of Educational Design approaches to teacher training research |
7655 | Marisa Correia and Bento Cavadas | Innovative Learning Environments: a learning experience with in-service teachers |
7786 | Ana Oliveira and David Oliveira | Perceptions of future basic education teachers about the potential of programming in the educational context |
8604 | Ana Paiva and António Quintas-Mendes | Participatory Culture And Knowledge Sharing Among Teachers And Researchers |
8855 | Filipe T. Moreira, Mário Vairinhos and Fernando Ramos | Teachers’ perceptions about IoT technologies in school activities |
Parallel Session 7 – Auditorium 2 – ONLINE | ||
Moderation: Nuno Oliveira | ||
1771 | Catarina Araújo, António Osório and Ana Paula Martins | Dilema: Escrevem com ou sem recurso às TIC? – Perceções dos alunos |
2318 | Paula Fonseca, Maria de Lurdes Martins and José Pereira | Photography and Digital Storytelling in the English for Tourism Classroom |
4404 | Catarina Araújo, Cecília Aguiar and Lígia Monteiro | Media Literacy in Early Education: European Policies and curricular differentiation |
5322 | Maria De Lurdes Martins and Paula Fonseca | Gastrodiplomatic virtual exchange project in an English for Tourism class |
5437 | Sofía Martín Rodriguez, Marcial Francisco Parrilla Socas, Víctor Álvarez García, Juan Ramón Pérez Pérez, María del Mar Fernández Álvarez and Rubén Martín Payo | Assesment of preclinical learning using virtual reality based education for nursing students |
14 October (afternoon) | 15:00 – 16:30
Parallel Session 8 – Room B0.03 | ||
Moderation: Csaba Komló | ||
1883 | Csaba Komló | What Should We Know About the Educational Application of 3D Printing in 2022?
3276 | Ana Raquel Carvalho, Laura Ferreira, Lara Gonçalves, Carlos Santos, João Almeida, Nuno Ribeiro, Miguel Filipe, João Brandão, Samuel Santos, Catarina Dionísio and Luis Pedro | Developing a gamified digital platform to promote extracurricular activities in basic and secondary schools – preliminary findings |
4572 | Luís Neves, Clara Coutinho and Maria João Loureiro | A research methodologies competence framework for PhD students enrolled in doctoral studies in education |
8096 | Francisco Regalado, João Almeida and Ana Isabel Veloso | Social digital gaming trends of the Portuguese older adults: Preliminary results |
8581 | Fábio Machuqueiro and João Piedade | Modern Board Games and Computational Thinking: Results of a Systematic Analysis Process |
Parallel Session 9 – Room E0.10 SOME SESSIONS WILL RUN IN PORTUGUESE | ||
Moderation: Ana Oliveira | ||
2240 | Isabel Cabo | Inovando práticas pedagógicas no ensino superior com recurso a portefólios digitais |
4284 | Isabel Cabo | Os Projetos eTwinning-Erasmus+ como ferramentas inclusivas e de transformação pedagógica |
4679 | Sara Martins and Filipe T. Moreira | OH!Bug: Envolver as crianças na valorização do património natural |
5004 | Patrícia Christine Silva and Ana Valente Rodrigues | Ciclo de desenvolvimento das atividades do PEEC: análise, desenho, implementação, avaliação e redesenho |
8970 | Maria Barbosa, Paula Santos and Maria João Loureiro | Ribeira de Emoções: uma sequência didática sobre emoções com recurso às TIC para alunos do 1º CEB |
9555 | David Oliveira and Ana Oliveira | Do M-Learning ao Learning Analytics |