Moving on towards ‘new normal’ in education
The annual Conference of the International Council for Educational Media (ICEM) is a meeting place for researchers and practitioners with a common ground in educational media, educational technology and technology enhanced learning. ICEM is one of the oldest associations in the field, being established by European ministries of education and UNESCO in 1950.
The ICEM 2022 Conference will take place at Polytechnic of Santarém, Portugal from 12 – 14 October 2022.
The Conference is dedicated to the main theme “Moving on towards ‘new normal’ in education”.
With ICEM Conference there is the opportunity for presenting and discussing new educational tools and environments, experiences and best practices and case studies on innovative technology-based learning strategies, and institutional policies on educational media and computer supported education. It will provide an overview of current technologies as well as upcoming trends, and promote discussion about the pedagogical potential of educational environments and technologies in the academic field. The Conference programme will include presentations of research results and best practice, hands-on workshops, poster session, roundtable sessions, media festival and school visits.
Come and join us in Santarém and meet the portuguese capital of gothic, an old town laying in a plateau facing the Tagus river, with a rich and vibrant culture and an exquise gastronomy.
Proposals in the field of educational media, educational technology and technology enhanced learning, written in Portuguese or English, are invited for presentation during the ICEM 2022 Conference.
The ICEM 2022 Conference aims to be a place for sharing and discussing practices, projects and research on pedagogical innovation in the field of educational media, educational technology and technology enhanced learning, with the following objectives:
• Disseminate practices and innovation projects related to educational media, educational technology and technology enhanced learning;
• Contribute to the reflection on curricular flexibility, autonomy and pedagogical innovation in the field of educational media, educational technology and technology enhanced learning;
• Promote critical reflection about educational strategies oriented towards interdisciplinarity in the field of educational media, educational technology and technology enhanced learning;
• Understand the potential of digital tools and innovative educational environments for the development of educational media, educational technology and technology enhanced learning.
The meeting involves diversified dynamics, such as plenary sessions, practical sessions and symposiums of communications, foreseeing the existence of on site and distance moments.
It is aimed at masters and doctoral students, educators, teachers, trainers, researchers and other professionals interested in this theme.
The abstracts, validated by the Scientific Committee, will be presented in the form of a poster or an oral presentation on the submitted proposal.
Thematic Areas (but not limited to):
- Educational Media and Media and Information Literacy
- Innovative and Inclusive Educational Approaches and Environments
- Learning Ecosystems and Learning Design
- Online and Mobile Learning and Ubiquitous Technologies for Learning
- Learning and Skills for the Digital Era
- Open Science and Open Educational Resources
- 3D Fabrication for Learning
- Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence in Education and Training
- Virtual Worlds, Gamification and Serious Games in the Classroom
- Learning and Collaborative Technologies
- STEAM Learning
- Smart Education and Smart Cities
- Technology Enhanced Learning